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Get SharePoint Online Site and SubSites permission using PowerShell

The below PowerShell script retrieves the following for the given SharePoint Online Site
  • All the Sub-site's URL
  • Security group attached with each Sub-site with their permission level

This PowerShell script uses the latest version of SharePoint Online PnP Module. Download the installer from 

Install-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline 

Install-Module -Name 'SharePointPnP.PowerShell.Commands.Files.Recurse'

function connect-site($webs,$creds){ 
Connect-PNPonline -Url $webs -Credentials $cred 
function get-sitepermission($web,$cred){ 
connect-site -webs $web -creds $cred 
if($web -eq $parentsitename) 
#Write-Host "Parent site permission" $web 
foreach($Pgroup in $Pgroups) 
$DLGP = "" | Select "SiteUrl","GroupName","Permission" 
$pPerm=Get-PNPGroupPermissions -Identity $Pgroup.loginname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |Where-Object {$_.Hidden -like "False"if($pPerm -ne $null) 
foreach($subweb in $subwebs) 
connect-site -webs $subweb.Url -creds $cred 
#Write-Host $subweb.Url 
foreach($group in $groups) 
$DLGP = "" | Select "SiteUrl","GroupName","Permission" 
$sPerm=Get-PNPGroupPermissions -Identity $group.loginname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |Where-Object {$_.Hidden -like "False"if ($sPerm -ne $null) 
Write-Host $subweb.Url "permission fetched!" 
get-sitepermission -web $subweb.Url -cred $cred 
return $rec 
#Input parameter 
$Sitepermission=get-sitepermission -web $parentsitename -cred $cred 
$Sitepermission |Export-Csv -Path $outputPath


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