PowerShell para obtener información de todas las colecciones de sitio de un Web Application de SharePoint 2010 y 2013.
Parametros de entrada:
#Configure the location for the output file
"Site URL"+","+"Owner Login"+","+"Owner Email"+","+"Root Site Last Modified"+","+"Quota Limit (MB)"+","+"Total Storage Used (MB)"+","+"Site Quota Percentage Used" | Out-File -Encoding Default -FilePath $Output;
#Specify the root site collection within the Web app
$Rootweb=New-Object Microsoft.Sharepoint.Spsite($Siteurl);
#Loops through each site collection within the Web app, if the owner has an e-mail address this is written to the output file
Foreach ($Site in $Webapp.Sites)
{if ($Site.Quota.Storagemaximumlevel -gt 0) {[int]$MaxStorage=$Site.Quota.StorageMaximumLevel /1MB} else {$MaxStorage="0"};
if ($Site.Usage.Storage -gt 0) {[int]$StorageUsed=$Site.Usage.Storage /1MB};
if ($Storageused-gt 0 -and $Maxstorage-gt 0){[int]$SiteQuotaUsed=$Storageused/$Maxstorage* 100} else {$SiteQuotaUsed="0"};
$Web=$Site.Rootweb; $Site.Url + "," + $Site.Owner.Name + "," + $Site.Owner.Email + "," +$Web.LastItemModifiedDate.ToShortDateString() + "," +$MaxStorage+","+$StorageUsed + "," + $SiteQuotaUsed | Out-File -Encoding Default -Append -FilePath $Output;$Site.Dispose()};