An exception occurred while updating addresses for connected app {6783ce5e-c88h-4021-8d5b-12614875cbfa_b79f19ab-1d40-4824-9911-3466cf8b070a}. The uri endpoint information may be stale. System.InvalidOperationException: The requested application could not be found.
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPTopologyWebServiceApplicationProxy.ProcessCommonExceptions(Uri endpointAddress, String operationName, Exception ex, SPServiceLoadBalancerContext context)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPTopologyWebServiceApplicationProxy.ExecuteOnChannel(String operationName, CodeBlock codeBlock)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPTopologyWebServiceApplicationProxy.GetEndPoints(Guid serviceId)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPConnectedServiceApplicationAddressesRefreshJob.Execute(Guid targetInstanceId)
After de-commissioning some SharePoint servers, you might notice the above error on other WFEs /Application server’s event viewer .
It appears that the SharePoint still has a reference to the old server uri endpoint. Below is what you can do to find out if it is making a reference to the old server uri.
1. Run Select query on the SharePoint_Config database
SELECT ID, Properties FROM [Objects] WHERE Name LIKE ‘%6783ce5e-c88h-4021-8d5b-12614875cbfa_b79f19ab-1d40-4824-9911-3466cf8b070a%’
2. Have a look under the Properties result from the query. Check to see if it is making a reference to your old server or wrong server.
3. Run STSADM command to remove the configuration object.
STSADM -o deleteconfigurationobject -id {ID}
ID above is the ID from your sql query.