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Metadata Service is unavailable - Event 8088


Alert Name:   Metadata Service is unavailable

Event ID:   8088

Summary:   The managed metadata service provides access to one term store and the term sets that it contains, or it provides content types from a content type syndication hub.

Symptoms:   One or more of the following symptoms might appear:

  • The term store management tool displays an error that indicates that the term store is not available.

  • Managed metadata controls and enterprise keyword controls may appear disabled.

  • This event might appear in the event log: Event ID: 8088 Description: The Managed Metadata Service '<Service>' is inaccessible.

Cause:   This can occur if the server is offline or the managed metadata service is not started or has been disabled. The service might not start if the application pool account does not have sufficient permissions to the term store.

Resolution:   Verify the application pool account permissions

  1. Verify that the user account that is performing this procedure is a member of the Farm Administrators group.

  2. On the Central Administration Home page, click Application Management.

  3. On the Application Management page, in the Service Applications section, click Manage service applications.

  4. On the Service Applications page, in the Type column, click the managed metadata service application, and then click Properties.

  5. In the Create New Managed Metadata Service dialog box, in the Application Pool section, record the name of the application pool and the application pool account name.

  6. Click Cancel.

  7. Log on as a member of the local Administrators group.

  8. In Central Administration, on the Service Applications page, in the Type column, click the managed metadata service application, and then click Permissions.

  9. Confirm that the account that you recorded in step 5 has one of the following permissions:

    • Read Access to Term Store

    • Read and Restricted Write Access to Term Store

    • Full Access to Term Store




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