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SharePoint User Profile Export from the Database

   1: SELECT a.NTName, a.Employee, g.FirstName, h.LastName, 
   2: b.Title, e.Department, a.[Office Phone], c.Email, f.Office, a.Manager
   3: ,(select top 1 f.Email from UserProfile_Full f 
   4:     where f.NTName = a.Manager
   5:     group by f.NTName, f.Email) as 'Manager Email'
   6: FROM (select
   7: a.NTName,
   8: a.RecordID,
   9: a.Manager,
  10: a.PreferredName as Employee,
  11: b.PropertyVal as [Office Phone]
  12: from UserProfile_Full a, UserProfileValue b
  13: where b.PropertyID=8 and
  14: a.RecordID=b.RecordID) a -- WorkPhone
  15: left outer join
  16: (select
  17: a.RecordID,
  18: a.PreferredName as Employee,
  19: b.PropertyVal as Title
  20: from
  21:   UserProfile_Full a, UserProfileValue b 
  22: where
  23: b.PropertyID=13 and
  24: a.RecordID=b.RecordID) b -- Title
  25: on a.RecordID=b.RecordID
  26: left outer join
  27: (select
  28: a.RecordID,
  29: b.PropertyVal as Email
  30: from
  31:   UserProfile_Full a, UserProfileValue b
  32: where
  33: b.PropertyID=9 and
  34: a.RecordID=b.RecordID) c -- WorkEmail
  35: on a.RecordID=c.RecordID
  36: left outer join
  37: (select
  38: a.RecordID,
  39: b.PropertyVal as [Cell Phone]
  40: from
  41:   UserProfile_Full a, UserProfileValue b
  42: where
  43: b.PropertyID=19 and
  44: a.RecordID=b.RecordID) d --CellPhone
  45: on a.RecordID=d.RecordID
  46: left outer join
  47: (select
  48: a.RecordID,
  49: b.PropertyVal as Department
  50: from
  51:   UserProfile_Full a, UserProfileValue b
  52: where
  53: b.PropertyID=14 and
  54: a.RecordID=b.RecordID) e --Department
  55: on a.RecordID=e.RecordID
  56: left outer join
  57: (select
  58: a.RecordID,
  59: b.PropertyVal as Office
  60: from
  61:   UserProfile_Full a, UserProfileValue b
  62: where
  63: b.PropertyID=11 and
  64: a.RecordID=b.RecordID) f --Office
  65: on a.RecordID=f.RecordID
  66: left outer join
  67: (select
  68: a.RecordID,
  69: b.PropertyVal as FirstName
  70: from
  71:   UserProfile_Full a, UserProfileValue b
  72: where
  73: b.PropertyID=4 and
  74: a.RecordID=b.RecordID) g --FirstName
  75: on a.RecordID=g.RecordID
  76: left outer join
  77: (select
  78: a.RecordID,
  79: b.PropertyVal as LastName
  80: from
  81:   UserProfile_Full a, UserProfileValue b
  82: where
  83: b.PropertyID=5 and
  84: a.RecordID=b.RecordID) h --LastName
  85: on a.RecordID=h.RecordID
  86: order by a.NTName


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