1: (&(objectCategory=Person)(objectClass=User)(!(objectClass=computer)))
The below PowerShell script retrieves the following for the given SharePoint Online Site All the Sub-site's URL Security group attached with each Sub-site with their permission level Prerequisites: This PowerShell script uses the latest version of SharePoint Online PnP Module. Download the installer from https://github.com/SharePoint/PnP-PowerShell/releases Install-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline Install-Module - Name ' SharePointPnP.PowerShell.Commands.Files.Recurse ' function connect - site( $webs , $creds ){ Connect - PNPonline - Url $webs - Credentials $cred } function get - sitepermission( $web , $cred ){ $rec =@() connect - site - webs $web - creds $cred if ( $web - eq $parentsitename ) { #Write-Host "Parent site permission" $web $Pgroups =G...