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SharePoint 2010 - Event 7362 – Web Content Management



Log Name:      Application
Source: Microsoft-SharePoint Products-Web Content Management
Date: <date>
Event ID: 7362
Task Category: Publishing Cache
Level: Warning
User: <username>
Computer: <server>
Object Cache: The super user account utilized by the cache is not configured. This can increase the number of cache misses, which causes the page requests to consume unneccesary system resources.
To configure the account use the following command 'stsadm -o setproperty -propertyname portalsuperuseraccount -propertyvalue account -url webappurl'. The account should be any account that has Full Control access to the SharePoint databases but is not an application pool account.
Additional Data:
Current default super user account: SHAREPOINT\system


Step 1 – Create AD Domain Accounts

Create domain accounts for the ‘portalsuperuseraccount’ and ‘portalsuperreaderaccount’. I use sp.superuser and sp.superreader but the naming is up to you.

Step 2- Assign Account Permissions

Run SharePoint Management Shell and execute the following commands:

$wcm = Get-SPWebApplication -Identity http://<url of web application>
$wcm.Properties["portalsuperuseraccount"] = “<domain>\sp.superuser”
$wcm.Properties["portalsuperreaderaccount"] = “<domain>\sp.superreader”

Step 3- Modify the Web Application User Policy

Central Admin -> Manage Web Application -> User Policy
Add sp.superuser – Full Control
Add sp.superreader – Full Read

Reboot your SharePoint farm

You will need to reboot your SharePoint servers for the changes to take effect.

Note* You have to run the above commands on each Web Application if you have more than one.


SharePoint Management Shell, type the following command

stsadm -o getproperty -propertyname portalsuperuseraccount -url <url of web application>

The output should be something like this.

<PropertyExist=”Yes” Value=”<domain>\sp.superuser” />




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