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Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2015

PowerShell – Site collection information

  PowerShell para obtener información de todas las colecciones de sitio de un Web Application de SharePoint 2010 y 2013. Parametros de entrada: $ Output =" $Siteurl=   #Configure the location for the output file $ Output ="L:\SharePoint\site-collection-information-mi_sitio.csv"; "Site URL"+","+"Owner Login"+","+"Owner Email"+","+"Root Site Last Modified"+","+"Quota Limit (MB)"+","+"Total Storage Used (MB)"+","+"Site Quota Percentage Used" | Out - File -Encoding Default -FilePath $ Output ; #Specify the root site collection within the Web app $Siteurl="http: //"; $Rootweb= New - Object Microsoft.Sharepoint.Spsite($Siteurl); $Webapp=$Rootweb.Webapplication; #Loops through each site collection within the Web app, if the owner has an e-mail address this is written to the output file ...

Extract WSP SharePoint 2007

  PowerShell para hacer backup de todos los WSP desplegados en nuestras granjas de SharePoint 2007. [void][reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint") # Get Farm object [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPFarm]$farm = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPFarm]::get_Local() # Create a Directory for Solutions if ( (Test- Path - path "c:\Solutions\") -ne $ True ) { New -Item c:\Solutions\ -type directory } $dirName = "c:\Solutions" foreach ($solution in $farm.Solutions) { Write - Host "Downloading solution $($Solution.Name)" $filename = $Solution.SolutionFile.Name $solution.SolutionFile.SaveAs("$dirName\$filename") }   Read more: extract -download-wsp-files- from -installed-solutions.html#ixzz3Sg5Jp4MW

Import user profile pictures to SharePoint using PowerShell

  Best solution to create Automatic UserProfile Import to SharePoint Create folder “ImportProfileImages” Create subfolder “ProfileImages” Create “Drive:\ImportProfileImages\UpdateUserProfiles.ps1″   cls if ((Get-PSSnapin | Where {$_.Name -eq "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" }) -eq $null) { Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell; }   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default Values #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------   $spNotFoundMsg = "Unable to connect to SharePoint. Please verify that the site '$siteUrl' is hosted on the local machine." ;   #----------------------------------------------------- # Load Assemblies #-----------------------------------------------------   if ([Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName( "Microsoft.SharePoint" ) -eq $null) { throw $spNotFoundMsg; } if ([Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialNam...