When you are hit with a problem in SharePoint 2010 - 2013 you get notified to use a correlation id to check for further details in the trace logs (ULS logs). So you hopefully start up ULS Viewer and open up the relevant logs and search like a mad man after this specified correlation id. Sometimes you don’t find the provided correlation id in the log file you opened. Is there a easier way? Yes and that is to use the SharePoint PowerShell command Merge-SPLogFile. According to the description of Merge-SPLogFile on Microsoft TechNet: “Combines trace log entries from all farm computers into a single log file on the local computer.” Let me explain how you can use this powerful command. Basic Usage Lets visualise a simple farm. As the example Farm image above we have two frontend servers, application server and database server. If I wanted to consolidated the last hour of SharePoint log entries from the front-end server and application server I would o...