SP 2013–2010 - An exception occurred in AD claim provider when calling SPClaimProvider.FillResolve(): Thread was being aborted
Error: An exception occurred in AD claim provider when calling SPClaimProvider.FillResolve(): Thread was being aborted.. Resolution In order to determine the best MaxConcurrentApi value for your servers, several data points must be brought together and calculated by using a formula. The data to be used to estimate MaxConcurrentApi is as follows: Net Logon semaphore acquires Net Logon semaphore time-outs Net Logon average semaphore hold time Duration of the performance logging that is completed, measured in seconds After the data is obtained, the following formula can be used to estimate the correct MaxConcurrentApi value: ( semaphore_acquires + semaphore_time-outs ) * average_semaphore_hold_time / time_collection_length = < New_MaxConcurrentApi_setting After you collect the Net Logon performance data from when the server was under authentication load, you should determine the duration of the data-collecting process by looking at the Line View beginning and en...