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Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2015

Certain folders may have to be excluded from antivirus scanning when you use file-level antivirus software in SharePoint

  Folders that may have to be excluded from antivirus scanning in SharePoint Note In the following sections, the placeholder Drive represents the letter of the drive on which you have your SharePoint application installed. Typically, this drive letter is C. SharePoint Foundation 2013 You may have to configure your antivirus software to exclude the following folders and subfolders from antivirus scanning: Drive :\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions If you do not want to exclude the whole Web Server Extensions folder from antivirus scanning, you can exclude only the following two folders: Drive :\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\Logs Drive :\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\Data\Applications Note The Applications folder must be excluded only if the computer is running the SharePoint Foundation Search service. If the folder that contains the index file is located elsewhere, yo...

PowerShell–Crear My Site SharePoint multiples usuarios

    $serviceContext = Get -SPServiceContext –Site http: // $users =@("DOMINIO\User1","DOMINIO\User2","DOMINIO\User3")   foreach($ user in $users) { $upm = New - Object Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileManager($serviceContext) $userProfile = $upm.GetUserProfile($ user ) If (!$userProfile) { Write - Host "El perfil no existe" } elseif($profile) { if ($profile.PersonalSite -eq $ Null ) { $userProfile.CreatePersonalSiteEnque($ false ) Write - Host "Mysite creado para $ user " } else { Write -Warning "$ user ya posee un MySite" } } }

¿Cómo puedo evitar que Sharepoint deje de preguntar por descargar los archivos html o xml a mi máquina local?

  Básicamente, es una característica de seguridad (que puede ser desactivado, si acepta la implicación), que impiden que algunos archivos que se muestran en el navegador directamente. Por lo general, lo que impediría que alguien ponga un poco de javascript en el archivo html y obtener privilegios del usuario que está viendo. Hay una manera más limpia para solucionar este comportamiento. En lugar de deshabilitar esta configuración de seguridad, se debe permitir que sólo los tipos MIME que desea permitir se vean en el navegador Aquí hay una pequeña función de utilidad PowerShell: function Add -SPAllowedInlineDownloadedMimeType{ [CmdLetBinding()] param( [ Parameter (Mandatory=$ true , Position =0, ValueFromPipeLine=$ true )] [Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPWebApplicationPipeBind]$WebApplication, [ Parameter (Mandatory=$ true , Position =1)] [string]$MimeType ) process{ $actualWebApp = $WebApplication. Read () if...

PowerShell Script to delete items from SharePoint List

  The outcome of the below script is to delete items that are created 7 days before: Add -PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell   [System.reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint") $web = Get -SPWeb "YOUR SHAREPOINT SITE" $list = $web.Lists["YOUR LIST NAME"] $DeleteBeforeDate = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SPUtility]::CreateISO8601DateTimeFromSystemDateTime([DateTime]::Now.AddDays(-7)) $caml= '<Where> <Lt> <FieldRef Name="Created" /><Value Type="DateTime">{0}</Value> </Lt> </Where> ' -f $DeleteBeforeDate $query= new - object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQuery $query.Query=$caml $col=$list.GetItems($query) Write - Host $col. Count $col | % {$list.GetItemById($_.Id). Delete ()} $web.Dispose() Fuente: