# ============================================================================================== # NAME: SP2010_Farm_Backup_With_Notification.ps1 # AUTHOR: Juan Bautista Orrego # DATE: 15 October 2014 # COMMENT: A Powerful Script to take backup of the entire SharePoint 2013 Farm with email notification. # ============================================================================================== Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell –ErrorAction SilentlyContinue try { $today = (Get-Date -Format dd-MM-yyyy) #Location of the Backup Folder [IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory( "\\SERVER\BackupSPFarm$\$today" ) # This will actually initiate the SPFarm backup. Backup-SPFarm -Directory \\SERVER\BackupSPFarm$\$today -BackupMethod full #Define Variables $emailFrom = "AdmGral@.com" $emailTo = "@" $emailTo1 = "@" $subject = "[] PMP - Backup Full SharePoint Exitoso" $body = "La tarea PMP - Bac...